Having been fortunate enough to travel much of Europe throughout her childhood, Joise decided to venture further afield, taking a post-grad gap year which consisted of living and working in Australia, and travelling around Southeast Asia. With a love for adventure and appreciation for true authentic travel, Josie joined True as a Travel Tailor make a difference to client’s experiences.
A family holiday travelling around Egypt was my first experience of a completely different culture and my fascination with this alternative way of life inspired a passion for authentic travel, away from the crowds and tourist traps.
Being able to experience a culture that is completely new to me and learn about this authentically by trying local food and getting to know the local people. Along with this, a healthy mix of of adventure, by trying a new activity or hiking to a viewpoint, and relaxation is a must!
Creating a travel journal, even for the short trips, and writing down the special little moments that you might forget otherwise!
A 4 day trip on the back of a motorbike in the hills of Northern Vietnam. We had no service so frequent interactions with the locals and our ‘easy riders’ taught me lots about the culture and their true way of life, as well as allowing me to disconnect from the outside world while just taking in the country’s natural beauty.